Prefs & Expression Controls toolbar for KBar 3
David Arbor
This free toolbar for KBar 3 gives you quick access to After Effects preferences, project settings, and each of the Expression Controls effects. KBar is responsive, so this works really well as a horizontal or vertical toolbar. The icons are all from bundled FontAwesome iconset, but you can customize them and the colors as you wish.
Icons from left-to-right / top-to-bottom:
- After Effects Preferences
- Project Settings
- Expression Control Effect - Slider
- Expression Control Effect - Checkbox
- Expression Control Effect - Dropdown Menu
- Expression Control Effect - Layer
- Expression Control Effect - Angle
- Expression Control Effect - Color
- Expression Control Effect - 2D Point
- Expression Control Effect - 3D Point
Horizontal layout
Vertical layout
To install:
- Open the Settings tab of KBar 3.
- Choose "Import from .kbar."
- Navigate to the downloaded .kbar file.
- Select "Import" to confirm.
KBar 3 from aescripts:
You'll get a .kbar file that you can import into KBar 3
1.06 KB
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